Friday, November 23, 2012

Week # 6 Transitons in Marriage

What I thought was the most important concept from this week’s reading and from the class discussion was the fact the majorities of people have unrealistic expectations for marriage and are hurt when their dreams do not come true. We have to retain the same qualities that we want in a potential spouse.  How can individual expect someone to have certain characteristics that they do not have themselves?  I feel that is so hypocritical. Most of the time people develop these false notions of what they seen portrayed by the media.  Movies such as Twilight that take unrealistic expectations as to what to look for in a spouse, but this are the real world not fiction. We often overlook the keep principles that are right in front of us for example the family proclamation that specify our roles within the family so that confusion can be prevented.  Another concept that really stood out to me was the concept that when you marry your spouse you are marrying their in-laws as well. My family truly needs to practice this more. I never really have seen my in-laws of my aunt’s husband’s family besides during their wedding. It is important to define or create a barrier between you and your spouse to establish the guide lines of your relationship with your spouse away from the rest of the world.  Your relationship with your in-laws is vital in becoming part of their family, but at the same establishing your own with your spouse. Your relationship with them can be very beneficial for networking. It also can have a negative effect you do not create the barrier beforehand.    

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