Friday, November 23, 2012

Week #4 Gender and Family life

Our gender roles are partially biological but our conditioning or socialization also plays a crucial part in how we behave in society. There mediums or avenues in which we are all influenced such as our religious institutions, our parents, and of course the let’s not forget the media.  Although men and women have these drastic differences that sometimes may cause confusion.  It’s important to recognize that our individual interpretation or how we encode that event or circumstances is the vital part to understanding and overcoming these differences. Another key to resolving these issues is to develop a Christ like love for our significant other and realize that these differences were created for a special purpose to enable not our spiritual growth, but our temporal develop of having the ability to understand someone who may be different from us.  These differences are essential to our marital success it is like yin and yang which creates balance within our lives. Despite the growing decentralization or decrease in the importance of the family is under attack, let us not forget that our nation was built upon these traditional values. A majority of Americans still believe in these sacred concepts or principles regardless of the cultural changes that have taken place.  I also believe that we have to believe the best in our spouse by that we have to believe that our spouse has the best interest at heart. As an effect the minor annoyances will no longer bother us as much as they use to. We will have the trust that the Lord has in us that we will come to the right conclusion despite our current circumstance and past behaviors.  He for gives and so should we which allows us to move on and strengthen our relationships. So the next time the toilet seat is left up or she is taking too much time getting dress or whatever the annoyance maybe we should marvel at these difference instead of being resentful of the gender differences.

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